"Stacked" Image - 7 exposures were stacked for this Malaysian Rhododendrun
My work involves the art of photography and capturing our world in a way that becomes a personal visual reminder of us and the the planet on which we live. Many years of photographing have included agency representation and assignment work, and I am continuing my work with the addition of the photographic print.
- Bill Lies Photography 584 Castro #717 San Francisco 94114
- Bill.Lies@comcast.net
- 415-350-9923
Bill Lies is a Wisconsin native firmly transplanted in California. The diverse world of San Francisco has been his home for over three decades. His photography has reached from local shows to publications as far away as India.
Bill received a bachelors of Music at UW-Madison, then started a career in law by attending USF Law School. After exercising the considerable left brain requirements of that discipline for a number of years, he sought relief by embracing the arts once again in the realm of photography. The “relief” turned into a new passion. Bill launched his first photography website in 1997, and since then his photographs have appeared in international ad campaigns, magazine articles, book covers, travelogues and internal corporate affairs.
Today his work involves the art of the print and helping transform the natural world into a personal visual reminder of our splendid environment.